A miracle happened over the weekend at my house… no there was no star in the east!! However, my sewing machine came out of hiding and with a little coaxing it WORKED!! I have wanted a camera bag that didn’t look like a camera bag for a while now and just thought I’d never find what I wanted that I could afford, but after a few months on Pintrest I came across a post for this lovely little item … I placed it on my board and it has stuck with me… So I stopped by Hobby Lobby and picked up a 1” thick foam square, and a package of hook and loop tape (the sticky back kind) and off to work I went. It took several hours over two evenings to complete the project. I do believe that if my limited sewing skills were not so limited I could have done it faster… but hey! In my research for the insert I came across one that described the process as making ‘pillow cases’ for the foam inserts… so I went with that and made ‘pillow cases’ for the 3 pieces of foam to form the body ...
odds and ends from an OCD crafty mind