A miracle happened over the weekend at my house… no there was no star in the east!! However, my sewing machine came out of hiding and with a little coaxing it WORKED!!
I have wanted a camera bag that didn’t look like a camera bag for a while now and just thought I’d never find what I wanted that I could afford, but after a few months on Pintrest I came across a post for this lovely little item… I placed it on my board and it has stuck with me… So I stopped by Hobby Lobby and picked up a 1” thick foam square, and a package of hook and loop tape (the sticky back kind) and off to work I went.
It took several hours over two evenings to complete the project. I do believe that if my limited sewing skills were not so limited I could have done it faster… but hey! In my research for the insert I came across one that described the process as making ‘pillow cases’ for the foam inserts… so I went with that and made ‘pillow cases’ for the 3 pieces of foam to form the body of the insert.

A recently purchased Thirty-One gifts bag will serve as my new camera bag. I measured out the bottom of the bag and found a few pieces of chip board in my craft stash to act as stiffeners for the exterior sides. I cut the foam into 3 pieces to serve as the 2 sides and the bottom and laid them on the material. (The material is a yard of fabric I had purchased and used as a table runner at a party… fun print!)
After a lot of coaxing and tons of prayer, I was able to finish the slip covers for the main body, after that the smaller bumper guards for the inside went fairly quickly!
I’ve already taken it out for a test run and must say it functions really well. I do need to make some improvements to the sticky hook and loop tape… it’s not as sticky as one might think!
Now that the sewing machine has seen the light of day... I might have to make a new camera strap I've seen on Pintrest...Wish me luck!
Looks awesome!! Thanks for the mention.