While home visiting the family in the flat lands of Southwest Georgia over Thanksgiving, I acquired a little piece of family history. You see my Great Aunt has recently decided to throw caution to the wind and leave single living behind her and move into a retirement community. She paired down her belongings and now resides in a cute little apartment… complete with wifi and Skype! She enjoys the trips and events the community has for them there and seems to be making new friends! As for the piece of family history… I brought back a little rocker that I remember being in my Great-grandmothers house when I was little. My sister said that Aunt B didn’t have room for it and my sister couldn’t bear the thought of it being thrown away… so she brought it to her house… it was sitting in the middle of her living room and in bad need of a new covering and I offered to take it off my sisters hands and give it a home in my guest room. So we loaded it in the back of the truck and headed north...
odds and ends from an OCD crafty mind